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Bursitis Care in Edmonton

knee painBursitis, the inflammation of a bursa (a fluid-filled sac near your joints), can cause pain and limit your movement, making everyday tasks challenging and uncomfortable. People most often experience bursitis in the shoulders, elbows, hips, and knees. Repetitive motions or positions that apply pressure to the bursae around a joint are some of the most common causes.

While many people turn to OTC pain medication to relieve their symptoms, that’s just a bandage approach that doesn’t address the root cause. Chiropractic care at Oxford Wellness Clinic offers a drug-free approach to managing pain, which is encouraging news for those who want to avoid the potential side effects of pain medication.

The Role of Chiropractic Care

Here are some ways our natural care can help to alleviate bursitis:

  • Improves Joint Alignment and Biomechanics: Misalignments in the spine or joints can stress the bursae, leading to inflammation. Chiropractic adjustments restore proper alignment, improve biomechanics, and reduce pressure on the affected bursa.
  • Reduces Pain and Inflammation: Spinal misalignments can irritate nerves, causing pain and inflammation. Chiropractic adjustments improve nerve function, potentially reducing pain and inflammation.
  • Enhances Circulation and Healing: Proper joint alignment promotes better blood flow to the affected area, accelerating the healing process and reducing inflammation in the bursa.

Personalized Care Plans

As every case of bursitis is unique, our chiropractors will conduct a thorough evaluation to determine the location and severity of your bursitis and any underlying postural or biomechanical issues. We will then create a customized care plan that combines chiropractic adjustments with other modalities like exercise recommendations and self-care strategies to optimize your healing and prevent future flare-ups.

Get on the Path to Relief, Starting Today

Bursitis doesn’t have to limit your life. Contact Oxford Wellness Clinic today to schedule an appointment and explore how chiropractic care can help you rediscover pain-free movement and get back to enjoying the activities you love.



Bursitis Care Edmonton, North Edmonton AB | (780) 758-8323